Reflections in Prose: Garry's Swift Journey, A Snail's Tale

"Gary!? You're So Fast. You Snail."

The gloom overcasted a low hung blanket of the gray sky. Gary, the aluminum snail, met his demise. Death kicked out the recliner legs on this one. A violent left turn sent him flying off the dashboard into the pile of forgotten gas station receipts,

An old french fry, a chunk of red clay,
Lint balls, and wads of fast food
Wax paper scattered overs the worn-carpeted floor.

The now flat paper-thin tin flaked off of Gary''s adorable antennas. Gary was fully aware of his precious existence.

God had plans for Gary.

Grace caused his fall, but it was Her lack of attention caused his torture.

There he laid mangled and abused.

In the silence of the SUV where he lived for only a shimmer of few Texas summer days. He was accidentally vacuumed and disappeared from our plane of existence.

A gestation period passed. The unlicensed twenty five cent dollar crane machine birthed Caillat, a lime green Giraffe. Phonetically pronounced kuh-LAY.

In our hearts, Caillat assumed Garry's role
I sought simplicity to ease our pace.
With Caillat, understanding gently unfurled, it gave us time for our emotions to mature.

Time to grieve.
Time to accept.
Time to become self-aware,
Time to seek support.
Time to receive therapy for our soul.
Time to prioritize self-care, and practice mindfulness.
Time to Embrace forgiveness, set boundaries.

Yet in a dystopian future, I am sure Caillat will be replaced by another 'cute' carrier of intrinsic value.


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